GDSE 53/54 Second semester Content Delivered online

The second academic semester of the 53rd and 54th batches of students in the Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering was successfully started today. As an entry point to the program, a lecture on introduction to web technologies was successfully conducted by a veteran lecturer via remote learning methods.

Sri Lanka is still recuperating from the effects caused by the novel COVID-19 virus outbreak. It is still advised that all the learning processes are conducted via remote learning concepts.

Considering the situation at hand, IJSE resorted to remote teaching methods after the lockdown started. Which was proven to be effective and successful. The upcoming generation of Software Engineers, Students of the 53rd and 54th batches of the course program Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering was able to complete their first academic semester via remote learning methods. 

It was said that the evaluation process was carried out online and the results and the evaluation process was rather smooth, which led to the starting of the 2nd academic semester without any delay as it was scheduled at the beginning of the year.

Finally, please follow the instructions given by the responsible parties and stay safe during these troubled times.

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