What would you after A/L’s?”
What would you after A/L’s?” is a question that all the students has once they are done with their G.C.E Advanced Level Examination. In order to guide these students towards their ideal career path, by joining hands with Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka, IJSE contributes to the seminar series conducted by Ministry of Skills […]
A career guidance program held by IJSE and VTA ministry of higher education
The younger generation is the future of the country”. That said, for Sri Lankan students, G.C.E Advanced Level Examination is a major turning point in their lives. Either they can choose a state university for their future career development or they could look for other means for studies after the Advanced Level Exams. However, among […]
Solution for the unemployment – DEP 04 stared
Graduate Unemployment” is a pressing concern among the new generation of graduates which is caused by the graduate, only having academic knowledge despite the fact that a profession requires a set of professional skills corresponding to his/her career. Being the best solution for graduates for the lack of professional skills demanded in the modern IT […]
GDSE starts …
Being a software engineer just after G.C.E Advanced level examination may sound too good to be true, however, IJSE has accomplished the herculean task of granting a passageway for students to achieve the dream of becoming the software engineer of their dreams after Advanced Level Examinations. Armed with a well-coordinated academic plan and an industrial […]
Interviews for the 2nd industrial placement of 2019 was started at panadura branch
All your hard work will eventually be rewarded”. Institute of Software Engineering, by joining hands with veterans in IT Industry in order to pave a pathway for IJSE students to work in the IT industry, begins the series of interviews for the Industrial Training Program. These consecutive series of well-coordinated interviews conducted by various companies […]
GDSE Registrations are open
A/L exam is a major turning point of the future career of a student. After A/L’s, finding a good career path to follow is the concern of every student. That being said, Software Engineering is one of the most beneficial professions to choose at the present. Granting an opportunity for the students who just finish […]
GDSE 51, 52 Batch Trip
“A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men” as the saying goes, we all need a break in every once in a while. With that in mind, among the series of co-curricular activities Institute of Software Engineering, Students of GDSE (Batch 51 & 52) embarks on a trip to “Kukuleganga” with […]